New module - Sustainable Soy for Animal Nutrition

- Certified companies according to the Certification Standard of Animal Nutrition (RCNA),
- Companies wishing to demonstrate compliance with sustainability requirements recognised at European level, the FEFAC "responsible soy" guidelines (version 2021).
- Companies wishing to be listed in the QS directory and who must have QS Soy Plus equivalence by 2024.

- SDNA is a module that can be added to complement the RCNA,
- The program is similar to the other OQUALIM programmes (RCNA, STNE, STNO). It is made up of a reference framework containing the specific requirements, a protocol containing the requirements applicable to the audit, and an audit grid.
- The module is based on recognised schemes that are compatible with the FEFAC's "responsible soy" guidelines (version 2021).

- The module was developed by a dedicated trade union working group made up of food manufacturers.
For more information on this subject, please contact
Eloïse Mas at La Coopération Agricole,
Morgan Balin-Caillard at SNIA,